György Sebök – founder of the Musikdorf Ernen
In 1986, the population of Ernen decided to appoint György Sebők as honorary citizen. It was only the third nomination in 800 years. György Sebők accepted the honour with much pleasure.
György Sebők, founder and long-time director of the Musikdorf Ernen, died on 14 November 1999 at the age of 77. Sebők was a great master of the piano. He is vividly remembered as a modest, profound musician who had no use for theatricality at the piano. When he played, he faded into the background as a person. The perfection of his style – whether in Bach or Bartók – his masterly control of colours and sounds, his subtle yet by no means ingratiating sensitivity made each of his concerts an unforgettable experience. The radio station RTS-Espace 2 dedicated two programmes to Sebők on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of his death:
«György Sebök, 20 ans déjà qu'il nous quittait», by Catherine Buser
«György Sebök, une leçon de musique et de vie», by Catherine Buser
Read more about György Sebők and his history with the Musikdorf Ernen in our commemorative publication from 2011: